FijnstofMeten: jaarwisseling-2019-2020.gnu

File jaarwisseling-2019-2020.gnu, 1.2 KB (added by Rick van der Zwet, 5 years ago)

gnuplot grafiek script

1#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
3# Weergave van PM10 en PM2.5 luftdaten CSV informatie op grafiek gebaseerd op
4# style van
6# Rick van der Zwet <>
9# Graph annotation
10set xdata time
11set format x "%D\n%H:%M" timedate
12set ylabel "{/Symbol m}g/m3"
13set title "Fijnstof concentraties, 2382 BW, Zoeterwoude"
15# Graph formatting
16set grid front lw 2
17set terminal qt size 1920,1080
18set key opaque
20# Match CSV input format
21set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
22set datafile separator ";"
24# Plot entries
25set xrange ["2019/12/31 18:00:00":"2020/01/03 00:00:00"]
26set yrange [0:2100]
27plot 30 with filledcurves above y1=0 fs solid 1.00 lc rgb "#96C8FF" title "Goed (PM10)", \
28 75 with filledcurves above y1=30 fs solid 1.00 lc rgb "#FFFFC8" title "Matig (PM10)", \
29 100 with filledcurves above y1=75 fs solid 1.00 lc rgb "#FFC800" title "Onvoldoende (PM10)", \
30 200 with filledcurves above y1=100 fs solid 1.00 lc rgb "#FF6464" title "Slecht (PM10)", \
31 5000 with filledcurves above y1=200 fs solid 1.00 lc rgb "#C864FF" title "Zeer Slecht (PM10)", \
32 'jaarwisseling-2019-2020.csv' every ::1 using 1:8 with lines lw 2 title "PM10", \
33 '' using 1:9 with lines lw 2 title "PM2.5"