| 1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
| 2 | #
| 3 | # $Id$
| 4 | #
| 5 | # Simple CGI script to change your password, currently 'configured'
| 6 | # for dovecotpw, but could easy be ported to something else.
| 7 | #
| 8 | # License: BSDLike
| 9 | # Rick van der Zwet <info@rickvanderzwet.nl>
| 10 |
| 11 | use CGI;
| 12 | $q = CGI->new;
| 13 |
| 15 |
| 16 | $PASSWDFILE='/usr/local/etc/dovecot.passwd';
| 17 | $DOVECOTPW='/usr/local/sbin/dovecotpw';
| 18 |
| 19 | if (! -w $PASSWDFILE || ! -x $DOVECOTPW) {
| 20 | print $q->header(-status=>$error);
| 21 | print $q->start_html('Problems');
| 22 | print $q->h2('Not able to open internals (database or binary)');
| 23 | exit 1;
| 24 | };
| 25 |
| 26 |
| 27 | # Message 'buffer', entries in here will be pushed on top of form
| 28 | @messages = ();
| 29 |
| 30 |
| 31 | #
| 32 | # Verify validity of CGI input
| 33 | sub check_cgi() {
| 34 | if ($q->request_method() eq "POST") {
| 35 | if (! ($q->param('username') && $q->param('old_password') &&
| 36 | $q->param('new_password') && $q->param('verify_password'))) {
| 37 | push(@messages, "Not all fields are provided");
| 38 | return 1;
| 39 | }
| 40 | if ($q->param('new_password') ne $q->param('verify_password')) {
| 41 | push(@messages, 'New passwords does not match');
| 42 | return 1;
| 43 | }
| 44 | if ($q->param('new_password') eq $q->param('old_password')) {
| 45 | push(@messages, 'New password equal to old password not changing');
| 46 | return 1;
| 47 | }
| 48 | if (length($q->param('new_password')) < $MIN_PASSWD_LENGTH) {
| 49 | push(@messages, "New password to short (minimal $MIN_PASSWD_LENGTH characters)");
| 50 | return 1;
| 51 | }
| 52 | return 0;
| 53 | }
| 54 | return 1;
| 55 | }
| 56 |
| 57 |
| 58 | #
| 59 | # Process CGI, assuming all values are correct
| 60 | sub process_cgi_for_dovecotpw() {
| 61 | my $username = $q->param('username');
| 62 | my $old_password = $q->param('old_password');
| 63 | my $new_password = $q->param('new_password');
| 64 |
| 65 | # XXX: Untested LOCK setup
| 66 | open(LOCK, '>> /tmp/changepw.lock');
| 67 | flock LOCK, 2;
| 68 | my $password = `$DOVECOTPW -p $old_password`;
| 69 | open(FH, "<$PASSWDFILE");
| 70 | my @users = <FH>;
| 71 | close(FH);
| 72 | # Find all lines _NOT_ matching this entry
| 73 | my @lines = grep (!/^$username:$password/, @users);
| 74 | # If we still have the same amount of lines we did not remove anything
| 75 | if ((scalar(@lines) - scalar(@users)) == 0) {
| 76 | push(@messages, "Username or password invalid");
| 77 | flock LOCK, 2;
| 78 | close(LOCK);
| 79 | return;
| 80 | }
| 81 | $password = `$DOVECOTPW -p $new_password`;
| 82 | push(@lines,"$username:$password");
| 83 |
| 84 | open(FH, ">$PASSWDFILE");
| 85 | print FH sort(@lines);
| 86 | close(FH);
| 87 | push(@messages, "Password changed");
| 88 | flock LOCK, 2;
| 89 | close(LOCK);
| 90 | }
| 91 |
| 92 | # Only process if field are valid
| 93 | if (check_cgi() == 0) {
| 94 | process_cgi_for_dovecotpw();
| 95 | }
| 96 |
| 97 | print $q->header;
| 98 | print $q->start_html('Change Email Password');
| 99 | print $q->start_center();
| 100 | if (@messages) {
| 101 | print $q->h2($q->ul({-style => 'list-style-type: none'}, $q->li(@messages)));
| 102 | };
| 103 | print $q->start_form();
| 104 | print $q->table($q->caption($q->h2('Please provide your values to change password')),
| 105 | $q->Tr([$q->td(['username', $q->textfield('username','somebody@example.org')])]),
| 106 | $q->Tr([$q->td(['old password', $q->password_field('old_password')])]),
| 107 | $q->Tr([$q->td(['new password', $q->password_field('new_password')])]),
| 108 | $q->Tr([$q->td(['verify new password', $q->password_field('verify_password')])]),
| 109 | $q->Tr([$q->td({-colspan=>2,-align=>'center'},[$q->submit('submit', 'Change Password')])])
| 110 | );
| 111 | print '</table>';
| 112 | print $q->end_form();
| 113 | print $q->end_center();
| 114 | print $q->end_html;