1 | %% start of file `moderncv.cls'.
2 | %% Copyright 2007 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
3 | %
4 | % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
5 | % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
6 | % available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
7 |
8 |
9 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 | % identification
11 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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14 |
15 |
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18 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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20 |
21 |
22 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 | % class options
24 | %
25 | % (need to be done before the external package loading, for example because
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27 | % geometry and fancyhdr)
28 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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62 |
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66 |
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73 |
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77 |
78 |
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81 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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84 |
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87 |
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94 |
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97 |
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100 |
101 | % latin modern fonts
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105 |
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108 |
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111 |
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142 |
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150 |
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156 |
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164 |
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167 |
168 |
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171 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 | % minimal base settings
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183 | \onecolumn
184 |
185 |
186 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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188 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 | % symbols used
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192 | \providecommand*{\mobilesymbol}{\Mobilefone}
193 | \providecommand*{\phonesymbol}{\Telefon}
194 | \providecommand*{\faxsymbol}{\FAX}
195 | \providecommand*{\emailsymbol}{\Letter}
196 |
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207 |
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217 |
218 | % styles
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227 |
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231 | \def\@moderncvthemeoptions{#1}}
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234 |
235 |
236 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 | % structure commands definitions
238 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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242 | \newcommand*{\address}[2]{\def\@addressstreet{#1}\def\@addresscity{#2}}
243 | \newcommand*{\mobile}[1]{\def\@mobile{#1}}
244 | \newcommand*{\phone}[1]{\def\@phone{#1}}
245 | \renewcommand*{\fax}[1]{\def\@fax{#1}}
246 | \newcommand*{\email}[1]{\def\@email{#1}}
247 | \newcommand*{\extrainfo}[1]{\def\@extrainfo{#1}}
248 | \newcommand*{\photo}[2][64pt]{\def\@photoheight{#1}\def\@photo{#2}}
249 | \newcommand*{\quote}[1]{\def\@quote{#1}}
250 |
251 | % length used by the moderncv layout
252 | % quote length
253 | \newlength{\quotewidth}
254 | % section lengths
255 | \newlength{\hintscolumnwidth}
256 | \newlength{\separatorcolumnwidth}
257 | \setlength{\separatorcolumnwidth}{0.025\textwidth}
258 | \newlength{\maincolumnwidth}
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260 | \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{#1}%
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262 | \addtolength{\maincolumnwidth}{-\separatorcolumnwidth}%
263 | \addtolength{\maincolumnwidth}{-\hintscolumnwidth}}
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265 | \settowidth{\hintscolumnwidth}{#1}%
266 | \setlength{\maincolumnwidth}{\textwidth}%
267 | \addtolength{\maincolumnwidth}{-\separatorcolumnwidth}%
268 | \addtolength{\maincolumnwidth}{-\hintscolumnwidth}}
269 | % doubleitem lengths
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271 | % listitem lengths
272 | \newlength{\listitemsymbolwidth}
273 | \settowidth{\listitemsymbolwidth}{\listitemsymbol{}~}
274 | % listdoubleitem lengths
275 | \newlength{\listdoubleitemmaincolumnwidth}
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278 | \setlength{\quotewidth}{0.65\textwidth}%
279 | \sethintscolumnlength{\hintscolumnwidth}%
280 | % doubleitem lengths
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282 | \addtolength{\doubleitemmaincolumnwidth}{-\hintscolumnwidth}%
283 | \addtolength{\doubleitemmaincolumnwidth}{-\separatorcolumnwidth}%
284 | \setlength{\doubleitemmaincolumnwidth}{0.5\doubleitemmaincolumnwidth}%
285 | % listdoubleitem lengths
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287 | \addtolength{\listdoubleitemmaincolumnwidth}{-\listitemsymbolwidth}%
288 | \setlength{\listdoubleitemmaincolumnwidth}{0.475\listdoubleitemmaincolumnwidth}%
289 | % fancyhdr lengths
290 | \renewcommand{\headwidth}{\textwidth}}
291 | \sethintscolumnlength{0.15\textwidth}
292 | \recomputelengths
293 |
294 | % makes the cv title
295 | \renewcommand*{\maketitle}{}%
296 |
297 | % draws a colored rectangle
298 | % usage: \colorrule[optional height]{width}
299 | %\newcommand*{\colorrule}[2][1ex]{{\color{sectionrectanglecolor}{\rule{#2}{#1}}}}
300 |
301 | \newif\if@sectionopen\@sectionopenfalse
302 | \newif\if@firstcvlineofsection\@firstcvlineofsectionfalse % bug if initially set to true...
303 | % usage: \closesection{} to force a section to be closed (and the tabular layout it generates)
304 | \newcommand*{\closesection}{%
305 | \if@sectionopen%
306 | \end{longtable}%
307 | % \phantomsection% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
308 | % \par\null%
309 | \@sectionopenfalse\fi}
310 | \AtEndDocument{\closesection{}}
311 | % usage: \section{<title>}, or \emptysection{}
312 | \newcommand*{\section}[1]{%
313 | \closesection{}%
314 | \@sectionopentrue%
315 | \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
316 | \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{#1}%
317 | \begin{longtable}[l]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\maincolumnwidth}@{}}%
318 | {\color{sectionrectanglecolor}\rule{\hintscolumnwidth}{1ex}} &\sectionstyle{#1}\\[1ex]%
319 | \@firstcvlineofsectiontrue%
320 | }
321 | \newcommand*{\emptysection}{%
322 | \closesection{}%
323 | \@sectionopentrue%
324 | \begin{longtable}[l]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\maincolumnwidth}@{}}%
325 | \@firstcvlineofsectiontrue%
326 | }
327 |
328 | % usage (inside section): \subsection{title}
329 | \newcommand*{\subsection}[1]{%
330 | \cvline[0.65em]{}{\subsectionstyle{#1}}}
331 |
332 | % usage (inside section): \cvline{leftmark}{text}
333 | \newcommand*{\cvline}[3][.25em]{%
334 | \if@firstcvlineofsection%
335 | \@firstcvlineofsectionfalse%
336 | \else%
337 | \\[#1]\fi%
338 | \raggedleft\hintfont{#2} }
339 |
340 | % usage (inside section}: \cvdoubleitem{subtitle}{text}{subtitle}{text}
341 | \newcommand*{\cvdoubleitem}[4]{%
342 | \cvline{#1}{\begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemmaincolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}%
343 | \hfill%
344 | \begin{minipage}[t]{\hintscolumnwidth}\raggedleft\hintfont{#3}\end{minipage}\hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}\begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemmaincolumnwidth}#4\end{minipage}}}
345 |
346 | % usage (inside section): \cvlistitem{point1}
347 | \newcommand*{\cvlistitem}[2][\listitemsymbol{}]{%
348 | \cvline[0pt]{}{#1~#2}}
349 |
350 | % usage (inside section): \cvlistdoubleitem{point1}{point2}
351 | \newcommand*{\cvlistdoubleitem}[3][\listitemsymbol{}]{%
352 | \cvline[0pt]{}{#1~\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemmaincolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}%
353 | \hfill%
354 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}%
355 | {}%
356 | {#1~\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemmaincolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}}}}
357 |
358 | % usage : \cventry{years}{degree/job title}{institution/employer}{localization}{optionnal: grade/...}{optional: comment/job description}
359 | \newcommand*{\cventry}[6]{%
360 | \cvline{#1}{%
361 | {\bfseries#2}%
362 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}{}{, {\slshape#3}}%
363 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, #4}%
364 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
365 | .%
366 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{\newline{}\small#6}
367 | }}%
368 | % \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{\cvline[0pt]{}{\small#6}}}
369 |
370 | % usage (inside 'language' cvsection environment): \cvlanguage{name}{level}{comment}
371 | \newcommand*{\cvlanguage}[3]{%
372 | \cvline{#1}{\begin{minipage}[t]{.225\maincolumnwidth}\textbf{#2}\end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.725\maincolumnwidth}\raggedleft\footnotesize\itshape #3\end{minipage}}}
373 |
374 | % usage (inside 'computer skills' cvsection environment): \cvcomputer{category}{programs}{category}{programs}
375 | \newcommand*{\cvcomputer}[4]{%
376 | \cvdoubleitem{#1}{\small#2}{#3}{\small#4}}
377 |
378 | % usage: \weblink[optional text]{link}
379 | \newcommand*{\weblink}[2][]{%
380 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%
381 | {\def\@linktext{#2}}%
382 | {\def\@linktext{#1}}%
383 | \href{#2}{\@linktext{}}}
384 |
385 | % usage: \httplink[optional text]{link}
386 | \newcommand*{\httplink}[2][]{%
387 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%
388 | {\def\@linktext{#2}}%
389 | {\def\@linktext{#1}}%
390 | \href{http://#2}{\@linktext{}}}
391 |
392 | % usage: \emaillink[optional text]{link}
393 | \newcommand*{\emaillink}[2][]{%
394 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%
395 | {\def\@linktext{#2}}%
396 | {\def\@linktext{#1}}%
397 | \href{mailto:#2}{\@linktext{}}}
398 |
399 | % usage: \nopagenumbers{}
400 | \newif\if@displaypagenumbers\@displaypagenumberstrue
401 | \newcommand*{\nopagenumbers}{\@displaypagenumbersfalse}
402 | \AtBeginDocument{%
403 | \if@displaypagenumbers%
404 | \@ifundefined{r@lastpage}{}{%
405 | \ifthenelse{\pageref{lastpage} > 1}{%
406 | \fancypagestyle{plain}{%
407 | \fancyfoot[r]{\addressfont\color{quotecolor}\footnotesize\thepage/\pageref{lastpage}}}%
408 | \pagestyle{plain}}{}}%
409 | \AtEndDocument{\label{lastpage}}%
410 | \fi}
411 |
412 | % thebibliography environment, for use with BibTeX
413 | \newcommand{\refname}{Publications}
414 | \newlength{\bibindent}
415 | \setlength{\bibindent}{1.5em}
416 | % trick to force the previous section to close before the thebibliography environment
417 | \let\oldbibliography\bibliography
418 | \renewcommand*{\bibliography}[1]{%
419 | \closesection{}%
420 | \oldbibliography{#1}}
421 | % bibliography item label
422 | \newcommand*{\bibliographyitemlabel}{}% use \@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}} for BibTeX labels
423 | \newenvironment{thebibliography}[1]%
424 | {%
425 | \section{\refname}%
426 | \closesection{}%
427 | \vspace*{-1.65em}%
428 | \small%
429 | \begin{list}{\bibliographyitemlabel}%
430 | {%
431 | \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}%
432 | \setlength{\labelwidth}{\hintscolumnwidth}%
433 | \setlength{\labelsep}{\separatorcolumnwidth}%
434 | \leftmargin\labelwidth%
435 | \advance\leftmargin\labelsep%
436 | \@openbib@code%
437 | \usecounter{enumiv}%
438 | \let\p@enumiv\@empty%
439 | \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}%
440 | \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000%
441 | % \sfcode`\.\@m%
442 | % \sfcode `\=1000\relax%
443 | }%
444 | {%
445 | \def\@noitemerr{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
446 | \end{list}%
447 | }
448 | \newcommand\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em}
449 | \let\@openbib@code\@empty
450 |
451 | % the classical \today definition
452 | \def\today{\ifcase\month\or
453 | January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
454 | July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
455 | \space\number\day, \number\year}
456 |
457 |
458 | \endinput
459 |
460 |
461 | %% end of file `moderncv.cls'.