1 | %% start of file `moderncvcompatibility.sty'.
2 | %% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
3 | %
4 | % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
5 | % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
6 | % available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
7 |
8 |
9 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 | % identification
11 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 | \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
13 | \ProvidesPackage{moderncvcompatibility}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae compatibility patches]
14 |
15 |
16 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 | % required packages
18 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 |
20 |
21 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 | % package options
23 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | % old casual option (version 0.1)
25 | %\DeclareOption{casual}{\input{moderncvstylecasual.sty}}
26 |
27 | % old classic option (version 0.1)
28 | %\DeclareOption{classic}{\input{moderncvstyleclassic.sty}}
29 |
30 | \DeclareOption*{}
31 |
32 | % process given options
33 | \ProcessOptions\relax
34 |
35 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 | % definitions
37 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 | % compatibility with version 0.1
39 | \newcommand*{\cvresume}[2]{\cvlistdoubleitem{#1}{#2}}
40 |
41 | % compatibility with versions <= 0.2
42 | % section, cvline, ... with width argument...
43 | %\newcommand*{\section}[2][0.825]{%
44 | % \closesection{}%
45 | % \@sectionopentrue%
46 | % \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{#2}
47 | % \begin{longtable}[t]{@{}r@{\hspace{.025\textwidth}}@{}p{#1\textwidth}@{}}%
48 | %% \colorrule{.15\textwidth}&\mbox{\color{sectiontitlecolor}\sectionfont#2}\\[1ex]}%
49 | % {\color{sectionrectanglecolor}\rule{0.15\textwidth}{1ex}}&\mbox{\color{sectiontitlecolor}\sectionfont#2}\\[1ex]}%
50 | %\newcommand*{\cvline}[3][.825]{%
51 | % \begin{minipage}[t]{\hintscolumnwidth}\raggedleft\small\sffamily#2\end{minipage}&\begin{minipage}[t]{\maincolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}\\}
52 | %\newcommand*{\cvitem}[3][.825]{%
53 | % \cvline[#1]{#2}{#3\vspace*{.75em}}} % the \vspace*{} inside the cvline environment is a hack... (should conceptually be outside the environment)
54 |
55 | % compatibility with versions <= 0.5
56 | \newcommand*{\cvitem}[2]{\cvline{#1}{#2}}
57 | \newcommand*{\moderncvstyle}[1]{\moderncvtheme{#1}}
58 |
59 | % compatibility with versions <=0.7
60 | \newcommand*{\closesection}{}
61 | \newcommand*{\emptysection}{}
62 | \newcommand*{\sethintscolumnlength}[1]{%
63 | \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{#1}%
64 | \recomputelengths}
65 | \newcommand*{\sethintscolumntowidth}[1]{%
66 | \settowidth{\hintscolumnwidth}{#1}%
67 | \recomputelengths}
68 |
69 | \endinput
70 |
71 |
72 | %% end of file `moderncvcompatibility.sty'.