/* * DEMO HELPERS */ /** * debugData * * Pass me a data structure {} and I'll output all the key/value pairs - recursively * * @example var HTML = debugData( oElem.style, "Element.style", { keys: "top,left,width,height", recurse: true, sort: true, display: true, returnHTML: true }); * * @param Object o_Data A JSON-style data structure * @param String s_Title Title for dialog (optional) * @param Hash options Pass additional options in a hash */ function debugData (o_Data, s_Title, options) { options = options || {}; var str=(s_Title || 'DATA') // maintain backward compatibility with OLD 'recurseData' param , recurse=(typeof options=='boolean' ? options : options.recurse !==false) , keys=(options.keys?','+options.keys+',':false) , display=options.display !==false , html=options.returnHTML !==false , sort=options.sort !==false , D=[], i=0 // Array to hold data, i=counter , hasSubKeys = false , k, t, skip, x // loop vars ; s_Title=s_Title ? s_Title+'\n':''; if (typeof o_Data != 'object') { alert( s_Title + o_Data ); return; } if (o_Data.jquery) { str=s_Title+'jQuery Collection ('+ o_Data.length +')\n context="'+ o_Data.context +'"'; } else if (o_Data.tagName && typeof o_Data.style == 'object') { str=s_Title+o_Data.tagName; var id = o_Data.id, cls=o_Data.className, src=o_Data.src, hrf=o_Data.href; if (id) str+='\n id="'+ id+'"'; if (cls) str+='\n class="'+ cls+'"'; if (src) str+='\n src="'+ src+'"'; if (hrf) str+='\n href="'+ hrf+'"'; } else { parse(o_Data,''); // recursive parsing if (sort && !hasSubKeys) D.sort(); // sort by keyName - but NOT if has subKeys! str+='\n***'+'****************************'.substr(0,str.length); str+='\n'+ D.join('\n'); // add line-breaks } if (display) alert(str); // display data if (html) str=str.replace(/\n/g, '
').replace(/ /g, '  '); // format as HTML return str; function parse ( data, prefix ) { if (typeof prefix=='undefined') prefix=''; try { $.each( data, function (key, val) { k = prefix+key+': '; skip = (keys && keys.indexOf(','+key+',') == -1); if (typeof val=='function') { // FUNCTION if (!skip) D[i++] = k +'function()'; } else if (typeof val=='string') { // STRING if (!skip) D[i++] = k +'"'+ val +'"'; } else if (typeof val !='object') { // NUMBER or BOOLEAN if (!skip) D[i++] = k + val; } else if (isArray(val)) { // ARRAY if (!skip) { if (val.length && typeof val[0] == "object") { // array of objects (hashs or arrays) D[i++] = k +'{'; parse( val, prefix+' '); // RECURSE D[i++] = prefix +'}'; } else D[i++] = k +'[ '+ val.toString() +' ]'; // output delimited array } } else if (val.jquery) { if (!skip) D[i++] = k +'jQuery ('+ val.length +') context="'+ val.context +'"'; } else if (val.tagName && typeof val.style == 'object') { var id = val.id, cls=val.className, src=val.src, hrf=val.href; if (skip) D[i++] = k +' '+ id ? 'id="'+ id+'"' : src ? 'src="'+ src+'"' : hrf ? 'href="'+ hrf+'"' : cls ? 'class="'+cls+'"' : ''; } else { // Object or JSON if (!recurse || !hasKeys(val)) { // show an empty hash if (!skip) D[i++] = k +'{ }'; } else { // recurse into JSON hash - indent output D[i++] = k +'{'; parse( val, prefix+' '); // RECURSE D[i++] = prefix +'}'; } } }); } catch (e) {} function isArray(o) { return (o && typeof o==='object' && !o.propertyIsEnumerable('length') && typeof o.length==='number'); } function hasKeys(o) { var c=0; for (x in o) c++; if (!hasSubKeys) hasSubKeys = !!c; return !!c; } } }; if (!window.console) window.console = { log: debugData }; /** * timer * * Utility for debug timing of events * Can track multiple timers and returns either a total time or interval from last event * @param String timerName Name of the timer - defaults to debugTimer * @param String action Keyword for action or return-value... * action: 'reset' = reset; 'clear' = delete; 'total' = ms since init; 'step' or '' = ms since last event */ /** * timer * * Utility method for timing performance * Can track multiple timers and returns either a total time or interval from last event * * returns time-data: { * start: Date Object * , last: Date Object * , step: 99 // time since 'last' * , total: 99 // time since 'start' * } * * USAGE SAMPLES * ============= * timer('name'); // create/init timer * timer('name', 'reset'); // re-init timer * timer('name', 'clear'); // clear/remove timer * var i = timer('name'); // how long since last timer request? * var i = timer('name', 'total'); // how long since timer started? * * @param String timerName Name of the timer - defaults to debugTimer * @param String action Keyword for action or return-value... * @param Hash options Options to customize return data * action: 'reset' = reset; 'clear' = delete; 'total' = ms since init; 'step' or '' = ms since last event */ function timer (timerName, action, options) { var name = timerName || 'debugTimer' , Timer = window[ name ] , defaults = { returnString: true , padNumbers: true , timePrefix: '' , timeSuffix: '' } ; // init the timer first time called if (!Timer || action == 'reset') { // init timer Timer = window[ name ] = { start: new Date() , last: new Date() , step: 0 // time since 'last' , total: 0 // time since 'start' , options: $.extend({}, defaults, options) }; } else if (action == 'clear') { // remove timer window[ name ] = null; return null; } else { // update existing timer Timer.step = (new Date()) - Timer.last; // time since 'last' Timer.total = (new Date()) - Timer.start; // time since 'start' Timer.last = new Date(); } var time = (action == 'total') ? Timer.total : Timer.step , o = Timer.options // alias ; if (o.returnString) { time += ""; // convert integer to string // pad time to 4 chars with underscores if (o.padNumbers) switch (time.length) { case 1: time = "   "+ time; break; case 2: time = "  "+ time; break; case 3: time = " "+ time; break; } // add prefix and suffix if (o.timePrefix || o.timeSuffix) time = o.timePrefix + time + o.timeSuffix; } return time; }; /** * showOptions * * Pass a layout-options object, and the pane/key you want to display */ function showOptions (o_Settings, key, options) { var data = o_Settings.options; $.each(key.split("."), function() { data = data[this]; // resurse through multiple levels }); debugData( data, 'options.'+key, options ); }; /** * showState * * Pass a layout-options object, and the pane/key you want to display */ function showState (o_Settings, key) { debugData( o_Settings.state[key], 'state.'+key ); }; /** * addThemeSwitcher * * Remove the cookie set by the UI Themeswitcher to reset a page to default styles * * Dependancies: /lib/js/themeswitchertool.js */ function addThemeSwitcher ( container, position ) { var pos = { top: '10px', right: '10px', zIndex: 10 }; $('
') .css( $.extend( pos, position ) ) .appendTo( container || 'body') .themeswitcher() ; }; /** * removeUITheme * * Remove the cookie set by the UI Themeswitcher to reset a page to default styles */ function removeUITheme ( cookieName, removeCookie ) { $('link.ui-theme').remove(); $('.jquery-ui-themeswitcher-title').text( 'Switch Theme' ); if (removeCookie !== false) $.cookie( cookieName || 'jquery-ui-theme', null ); };