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232 | <div id="radio">
233 | <input type="radio" id="radio1" name="window" value="http://live.occ2011.org:9999/browser-embedded.html" checked="checked" /><label for="radio1">Live Webcams</label>
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235 | <input type="radio" id="radio3" name="window" value="http://live.occ2011.org:9999/telex.html" /><label for="radio3">IRC Telex</label>
236 | <input type="radio" id="radio4" name="window" value="http://live.occ2011.org:9999/room1.html" /><label for="radio4">Live Presentations</label>
237 | <input type="radio" id="radio5" name="window" value="http://noc.occ2011.org/nagios/" /><label for="radio5">NOC Nagios</label>
238 | <input type="radio" id="radio6" name="window" value="http://noc.occ2011.org/smokeping/smokeping.cgi" /><label for="radio6">NOC Smokeping</label>
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240 | </form>
241 | <tt>Developed at <a href="http://opencommunitycamp.org">#occ2011</a> by <a href="http://rickvanderzwet.nl">Rick van der Zwet</a></tt>
242 | </center>
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