1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # Rick van der Zwet
3 | # TODO: May need to implement some RFC checkers
4 | #
5 | #
6 | import sys,smtplib,re,socket,random,string,os,getopt
7 | import mimetypes
8 | import time
9 | from time import gmtime,strftime
10 | from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
11 | from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
12 | from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
13 | from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate
14 | from email import Encoders
15 |
16 | __svnversion__ = "$Id: foomail.py 633 2008-06-12 19:29:56Z rick $"
17 | __author__ = "Rick van der Zwet"
18 |
19 |
20 | def usage():
21 | print "usage %s -f <from> -r <recipient> -s <server> [--spam]" % sys.argv[0]
22 | print "[--virus] [--file <size in kB>] [--message <file>]"
23 | print "[--subject <string>] [--to <string>] [--cc <string>]"
24 | print "[--force]"
25 |
26 | default_domain = 'example.com'
27 | def emailparse(email):
28 | if re.compile('.*@.*').match(email):
29 | return(email)
30 | else:
31 | return(email + '@' + default_domain)
32 |
33 | try:
34 | opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:r:s:d",
35 | ["from=","force","recipient=","server=","spam","virus","files=","dry-run","message=","subject=","to=","cc="])
36 | except getopt.GetoptError:
37 | usage()
38 | sys.exit(128)
39 |
40 | spam = False
41 | virus = False
42 | server = False
43 | recipient = False
44 | sender = False
45 | files = False
46 | force = False
47 | dry = False
48 | message = False
49 | subject = False
50 | to = False
51 | cc = False
52 |
53 | tests = ""
54 |
55 | for o, a in opts:
56 | if o in ("-f","--from"):
57 | sender_raw = a
58 | sender = emailparse(a)
59 | elif o in ( "-r", "--recipient"):
60 | recipient_raw = a
61 | recipient = emailparse(a)
62 | elif o in ("-s", "--server"):
63 | server = a
64 | elif o == "--spam":
65 | spam = True
66 | tests += " Spam"
67 | elif o == "--virus":
68 | virus = True
69 | tests += " Virus"
70 | elif o == "--files":
71 | files = a
72 | elif o in ("-d","--dry-run"):
73 | dry = True
74 | elif o in ("--message"):
75 | message = a
76 | elif o in ("--subject"):
77 | subject = a
78 | elif o in ("--to"):
79 | to = a
80 | elif o in ("--cc"):
81 | cc = a
82 | elif o in ("--force"):
83 | force = True;
84 |
85 | error = False
86 | if not sender:
87 | print "No sender defined"
88 | error = True
89 | elif not recipient:
90 | print "No recipient defined"
91 | error = True
92 | elif not server:
93 | print "No server defined"
94 | error = True
95 |
96 | if error:
97 | usage()
98 | sys.exit(128)
99 |
100 | if force:
101 | sender = sender_raw
102 | recipient = recipient_raw
103 |
104 |
105 | #Subject here, just to keep the settings/layout a bit more constent
106 | if not subject:
107 | subject = 'Test email send at %a, %d %b %Y %T %z'
108 | subject = strftime(subject,gmtime())
109 |
110 | if not to:
111 | to = 'Testing received <' + recipient + '>'
112 | to = recipient
113 |
114 | email = MIMEMultipart()
115 |
116 | email['From'] = 'Testing sender <' + sender + '>'
117 | email['To'] = to
118 | if cc:
119 | email['Cc'] = cc
120 | email['X-Server'] = server
121 | email['X-Hostname'] = socket.gethostname()
122 | email['Message-ID' ] = '<' +''.join(random.sample(string.letters +
123 | string.digits,10)) + '@' + email['X-Hostname'] + '>'
124 | email['Date'] = strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %T %z',gmtime())
125 | email['Subject'] = subject
126 | email['X-Version'] = __svnversion__
127 | email['X-Author'] = __author__
128 | email['X-Tests'] = tests
129 | #email['Reply-To'] = "Rick vd Zwet <rick@joost.com>, Wouter Simons <wouter@joost.com>"
130 | if spam:
132 |
133 |
134 | def defaultmessage():
135 | msg = ''
136 | msg += \
137 | '''
138 | Hi,
139 |
140 | Sorry to bother you...
141 |
142 | Please ignore this message as it is used to test
143 | and verify systems to make sure everything works
144 | flawless.
145 |
146 | %(virus)s
147 |
148 | Technical details:\n''' % email
149 |
150 | for k in email.keys():
151 | v = email[k]
152 | msg += "* %-15s : %s\n" % (k,v)
153 |
154 |
155 | msg = msg + \
156 | '''
157 | Best regards,
158 | Your system administrator
159 | '''
160 | return(msg)
161 |
162 | if message:
163 | f = open(message,'r')
164 | msg = f.read()
165 | f.close()
166 | else:
167 | msg = defaultmessage()
168 |
169 | email.attach(MIMEText(msg))
170 |
171 | if virus:
172 | part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream")
173 | part.set_payload('X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*')
174 | Encoders.encode_base64(part)
175 | part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="eicar.txt"')
176 | email.attach(part)
177 |
178 | if files:
179 | for file in files.split(':'):
180 | mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0].split('/')
181 | part = MIMEBase(mimetype[0],mimetype[1])
182 | f = open(file,'r')
183 | part.set_payload(f.read())
184 | f.close()
185 | Encoders.encode_base64(part)
186 | part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(file))
187 | email.attach(part)
188 |
189 | print email.as_string()
190 |
191 | if not dry:
192 | mark = time.time()
193 | server = smtplib.SMTP(server)
194 | server.set_debuglevel(0)
195 | server.sendmail(sender, recipient, email.as_string())
196 | server.quit()
197 | print "Sending took sec: %.2f" % (time.time() - mark)