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5 | \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}
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22 | \newfloat{result}{thp}{lop}
23 | \floatname{result}{Result}
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27 | \title{Laser Pulse Shaping problem\\
28 | \large{Practical Assignments Natural Computing, 2009}}
29 | \author{Rick van der Zwet\\
30 | \texttt{<hvdzwet@liacs.nl>}}
31 | \date{\today}
32 |
33 |
34 | \begin{document}
35 | \newcommand{\wekacmd}[1]{\begin{quote}\small{\texttt{#1}}\end{quote}}
36 | \newcommand{\unixcmd}[1]{\begin{quote}\small{\texttt{#1}}\end{quote}}
37 |
38 |
39 | \maketitle
40 |
41 | \section{Introduction}
42 | The report is focused on the so-called \emph{laser pulse shaping problem}.
43 | Today's lasers are also used within the range of atoms or molecule research.
44 | Using small pulses it is able to align and alter the movement of the atoms.
45 |
46 | The problem lies in the fact the atoms cannot be controlled by any type of
47 | laser pulse. There are many parameters which could all be set to 'shape' the
48 | laser pulse the way it can move the atoms.
49 |
50 | To turn and tweak all the 'knobs' at the same time there will be \emph{Particle
51 | Swarm Optimizer (PSO)} used to explore the search space. The \emph{PSO} is
52 | basically a whole bunch of individual agents which all try to find an optimum
53 | into the search space. During this search they get input about other potential
54 | bests from the whole swarm (broadcast style) and the neighborhood
55 | (observation) and using this values they determine their new location.
56 |
57 | \section{Problem description}
58 | A laser pulse going through a crystal produces light at the octave of its
59 | frequency spectrum. The total energy of the radiated light is proportional to
60 | the integrated squared intensity of the primary pulse. Explicitly, the
61 | time-dependent profile of the laser field in our simulations is given by:
62 | \begin{equation}
63 | \label{eq:simulation}
64 | E(t) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty A(\omega)exp(i\phi(\omega))exp(i{\omega}t) d\omega,
65 | \end{equation}
66 |
67 | where $A(\omega)$ is a Gaussian window function describing the contribution of
68 | different frequencies to the pulse and $\phi(\omega)$, the phase function,
69 | equips these frequencies with different complex phases.
70 |
71 | To determine the best solution a fitness function is needed, which could be
72 | found in the shape of equation~\ref{eq:fitness}
73 | \begin{equation}
74 | \label{eq:fitness}
75 | SHG = \int_0^T E^4(t)dt \longrightarrow maximization
76 | \end{equation}
77 |
78 | Note that $0 < SHG < 1$
79 | \section{Statistics}
80 |
81 | \section{Approach}
82 | The Wikipedia page 'Particle swarm
83 | optimization'~\footnote{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle\_swarm\_optimization}
84 | contained a reference implementation used to implement the algorithm. The nice
85 | part about the algorithm is its flexibility in tuning. As within the \emph{PSO}
86 | there are many 'knobs' which could be tweaked as well, like likeliness of
87 | heading for the global optimum, neighborhood optimum and local optimum.
88 |
89 | \section{Implementation}
90 | The code is written in
91 | \emph{Octave}\footnote{http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/} which is the
92 | open-source 'variant' of \emph{MATLAB}\copyright
93 | \footnote{http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/}. There are small minor
94 | differences between them, but all code is made compatible to to run on both
95 | systems. The code is to be found in Appendix~\ref{app:code}.
96 |
97 | As work is done remotely, the following commands are used:
98 | \unixcmd{matlab-bin -nojvm -nodesktop -nosplash -nodisplay < \%\%PROGRAM\%\%}
99 | \unixcmd{octave -q \%\%PROGRAM\%\%}
100 |
101 | The flock is represented into a 3d block. A slice of that block contains a
102 | local swarm, a column in slice is a individual particle.
103 |
104 | \section{Results}
105 | The program is run against a parameter set of 80. The algorithm is allowed to run
106 | for 10 minutes with a maximum of 1000 iterations. If there are no improvements
107 | after 5 iterations then it will bail out as well.
108 |
109 | The algorithm is kind of 'social' e.g. it will favor the neighborhood and the
110 | global optimum more than it's own local optimum. Also its active, meaning it
111 | changes direction fast the moment the optimum is found somewhere else.
112 |
113 | Size of the local swarms is 50, each with 10 agents.
114 |
115 | After running 5 times, the best fitness found was $0.0000045481$. Improvement is
116 | almost only shown in the first 100 iterations see figure~\ref{fig:pso-fitness},
117 | afterwards it quickly stalls.
118 | Trying with a smaller number more and less show the same result as seen in
119 | figure~\ref{fig:pso-small}
120 |
121 | \begin{figure}[htp]
122 | \begin{center}
123 | \subfloat[80]{\label{fig:pso-fitness}\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{pso-fitness.eps}}
124 | \subfloat[10]{\label{fig:pso-small}\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{pso-fitness-10.eps}}
125 | \end{center}
126 | \caption{Fitness throughout the iterations}
127 | \label{fig:fitness}
128 | \end{figure}
129 |
130 | Changing various flags like walkspeed $wander$ or changing the socialness of
131 | the agents does not prove to change much in the algoritm result.
132 |
133 | \section{Conclusions}
134 | Giving the lack of external results of other algorithms in large scale setups
135 | (80 parameters) its hard to say whether this is a good or worse preforming
136 | algorithm.
137 |
138 | For furher research within the algorithm there are many knobs to tweak as well.
139 | One could think of implementing a algorithm around this setup as well.
140 |
141 | \section{Appendix 1}
142 | \label{app:code}
143 | \include{pso.m}
144 | \include{SHGa.m}
145 | \include{SHG.m}
146 | \end{document}