1 | % Monte-Carlo Search Algoritm on low-autocorrelation program
2 | % BSDLicence
3 | % Rick van der Zwet - 0433373 - <hvdzwet@liacs.nl>
4 | % $Id: mcs-call.m 43 2009-12-17 22:18:48Z rick $
5 |
6 | % Brute-force result of length 20
7 | % best_20 = [-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,1];
8 |
9 | % Basic variables
10 | iterations = [1:10:200];
11 | repetitions = 20;
12 | length = 20;
13 |
14 | % Plot the stuff
15 | fitnesses = [];
16 | for iteration = iterations
17 | fitness = [];
18 | for rep = 1:repetitions
19 | fprintf('Iter:%i, Rep:%i\n',iteration,rep);
20 | [new_fitness, value] = mcs(length,iteration);
21 | fitness = [fitness, new_fitness];
22 |
23 | % Little hack to display output nicely
24 | % disp(rot90(value,-1));
25 | end
26 | fitnesses = [fitnesses,mean(fitness)];
27 | end
28 |
29 | plot(iterations,fitnesses);
30 | title(sprintf('Monte-Carlo Search on Low-Corretation set - repetitions %i',repetitions));
31 | ylabel('fitness');
32 | xlabel('iterations');
33 | grid on;
34 | legend(sprintf('Length %i',length));
35 | print('mcs-fitness.eps','-depsc2');
36 |