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2 | % $Id: report.tex 747 2009-09-20 17:01:15Z rick $
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5 | \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}
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7 | \frenchspacing
8 | \usepackage[english,dutch]{babel}
9 | \selectlanguage{dutch}
10 | \usepackage{graphicx}
11 | \usepackage{url}
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13 | \usepackage{fancybox}
14 | \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath}
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16 | \author{Johan IJsveld \& Rick van der Zwet, Universiteit Leiden}
17 | \title{Networking - Assignment 3\\
18 | \large{Packet Filtering and Encryption}}
19 | \author{Johan IJsveld \& Rick van der Zwet\\
20 | \texttt{<jijsveld@xs4all.nl> \& <hvdzwet@liacs.nl>}\\
21 | \\
22 | LIACS\\
23 | Leiden University\\
24 | Niels Bohrweg 1\\
25 | 2333 CA Leiden\\
26 | The Netherlands}
27 | \date{\today}
28 |
29 | \begin{document}
30 |
31 | \maketitle
32 |
33 | \section{Implementation}
34 | We have chosen for a single emph{C} program without any arguments to keep it
35 | simple, meaning for the encryption key \emph{0x12345678} will be hard-coded into
36 | the program and queue number are hard-coded \emph{0} for input and \emph{1} for output.
37 |
38 | \section{Global working}
39 | At first a package arrives at \emph{netfilter} which is a Linux packet filter
40 | implementation. This will push the packet using callback function implemented
41 | at in\emph{libnetfilter\_queue} to our implementation. let's call our application
42 | \emph{xorfilter} for a moment. The xorfilter preforms it's 'magic' which will
43 | be in this case a mangle of the data payload using a XOR computation with the
44 | key above. Next it recalculates the TCP checksum to ensure the checksum matches
45 | the altered payload, leading to proper validation of the packet on the other end.
46 |
47 | \section{Usage xorfilter}
48 | At first make sure to enable the \emph{xorfilter}, this needed to be running
49 | under the root user, due to the enhanced privileges it needs at start by
50 | 'hooking' into \emph{iptables}. Next alter \emph{iptables} using the CLI
51 | script, for a reference sample, check \emph{setqueue.sh}.
52 |
53 | \section{Usage echod}
54 | Ones started the program \emph{echod} will listen at port \emph{12345}. It's
55 | only purpose it serves (hences the 'd' of daemon in echod) is to reply the data
56 | it receives. One could connect using the program telnet to the program using
57 | \emph{telnet localhost 12345} and everything you type will be returned as well.
58 |
59 | \section{xorfilter encryption}
60 | The key consist of 4 bytes, so for every 4 bytes, the data is XORed with the
61 | key, which is first translated using \emph{htonl} to make sure we are using
62 | big endian instead of small endian as all network traffic is big endian by
63 | definition. Next in case of a remainder -when the length of the data is not a
64 | power of 4 bytes- the remainder is XORed with the relevant byte of the key. Example:
65 |
66 | \begin{verbatim}
67 | DATA: AB CD EF 34 23 21 34 (7 bytes)
68 | Step 1 (key repeated each 4 bytes, done using for loop on words):
69 | KEY : 12 34 56 78
70 | IMM : B9 F9 B9 4C 23 21 34
71 | Step 2 (remainder key, done using for loop on bytes):
72 | KEY : 12 34 56
73 | IMM : B9 F9 B9 4C 31 15 62
74 | \end{verbatim}
75 |
76 |
77 | % \begin{thebibliography}{10}
78 | % \end{thebibliography}
79 | \newpage
80 | \advance\textwidth by 8cm
81 | \advance\oddsidemargin by -3cm
82 | \advance\evensidemargin by -3cm
83 | \advance\topmargin by -2cm
84 | \advance\textheight by 4cm
85 | \advance\footskip by -4cm
86 | \marginparwidth 0cm
87 | \twocolumn
88 | \section*{Appendix}
89 | echod (1 file), xorfilter (9 files), netfilter CLI example (2 files)
90 | \newline
91 | \tiny
92 | %preformatted with `source-highlight -n -f latex bridge.cc`
93 | \input{../src/echod/echod.c}
94 | \input{../src/xorfilter/checksum.c}
95 | \input{../src/xorfilter/checksum.h}
96 | \input{../src/xorfilter/filter.c}
97 | \input{../src/xorfilter/filter.h}
98 | \input{../src/xorfilter/queue.c}
99 | \input{../src/xorfilter/queue.h}
100 | \input{../src/xorfilter/xorencrypt.c}
101 | \input{../src/xorfilter/xorencrypt.h}
102 | \input{../src/xorfilter/xorfilter.c}
103 | \input{../tools/setqueue.sh}
104 | \input{../tools/rmqueue.sh}
105 |
106 | \onecolumn
107 |
108 | \end{document}