[106] | 1 | import urllib2
| 2 | from cStringIO import StringIO
| 3 | import _response
| 4 |
| 5 | # GzipConsumer was taken from Fredrik Lundh's effbot.org-0.1-20041009 library
| 6 | class GzipConsumer:
| 7 |
| 8 | def __init__(self, consumer):
| 9 | self.__consumer = consumer
| 10 | self.__decoder = None
| 11 | self.__data = ""
| 12 |
| 13 | def __getattr__(self, key):
| 14 | return getattr(self.__consumer, key)
| 15 |
| 16 | def feed(self, data):
| 17 | if self.__decoder is None:
| 18 | # check if we have a full gzip header
| 19 | data = self.__data + data
| 20 | try:
| 21 | i = 10
| 22 | flag = ord(data[3])
| 23 | if flag & 4: # extra
| 24 | x = ord(data[i]) + 256 * ord(data[i + 1])
| 25 | i = i + 2 + x
| 26 | if flag & 8: # filename
| 27 | while ord(data[i]):
| 28 | i = i + 1
| 29 | i = i + 1
| 30 | if flag & 16: # comment
| 31 | while ord(data[i]):
| 32 | i = i + 1
| 33 | i = i + 1
| 34 | if flag & 2: # crc
| 35 | i = i + 2
| 36 | if len(data) < i:
| 37 | raise IndexError("not enough data")
| 38 | if data[:3] != "\x1f\x8b\x08":
| 39 | raise IOError("invalid gzip data")
| 40 | data = data[i:]
| 41 | except IndexError:
| 42 | self.__data = data
| 43 | return # need more data
| 44 | import zlib
| 45 | self.__data = ""
| 46 | self.__decoder = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS)
| 47 | data = self.__decoder.decompress(data)
| 48 | if data:
| 49 | self.__consumer.feed(data)
| 50 |
| 51 | def close(self):
| 52 | if self.__decoder:
| 53 | data = self.__decoder.flush()
| 54 | if data:
| 55 | self.__consumer.feed(data)
| 56 | self.__consumer.close()
| 57 |
| 58 |
| 59 | # --------------------------------------------------------------------
| 60 |
| 61 | # the rest of this module is John Lee's stupid code, not
| 62 | # Fredrik's nice code :-)
| 63 |
| 64 | class stupid_gzip_consumer:
| 65 | def __init__(self): self.data = []
| 66 | def feed(self, data): self.data.append(data)
| 67 |
| 68 | class stupid_gzip_wrapper(_response.closeable_response):
| 69 | def __init__(self, response):
| 70 | self._response = response
| 71 |
| 72 | c = stupid_gzip_consumer()
| 73 | gzc = GzipConsumer(c)
| 74 | gzc.feed(response.read())
| 75 | self.__data = StringIO("".join(c.data))
| 76 |
| 77 | def read(self, size= -1):
| 78 | return self.__data.read(size)
| 79 | def readline(self, size= -1):
| 80 | return self.__data.readline(size)
| 81 | def readlines(self, sizehint= -1):
| 82 | return self.__data.readlines(sizehint)
| 83 |
| 84 | def __getattr__(self, name):
| 85 | # delegate unknown methods/attributes
| 86 | return getattr(self._response, name)
| 87 |
| 88 | class HTTPGzipProcessor(urllib2.BaseHandler):
| 89 | handler_order = 200 # response processing before HTTPEquivProcessor
| 90 |
| 91 | def http_request(self, request):
| 92 | request.add_header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
| 93 | return request
| 94 |
| 95 | def http_response(self, request, response):
| 96 | # post-process response
| 97 | enc_hdrs = response.info().getheaders("Content-encoding")
| 98 | for enc_hdr in enc_hdrs:
| 99 | if ("gzip" in enc_hdr) or ("compress" in enc_hdr):
| 100 | return stupid_gzip_wrapper(response)
| 101 | return response
| 102 |
| 103 | https_response = http_response