1 | package Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP;
2 |
3 | use strict;
4 | use warnings;
5 |
6 | use vars qw($VERSION);
7 | $VERSION = '0.11';
8 |
9 | use Carp;
10 | use Params::Validate qw/validate BOOLEAN SCALAR/;
11 |
12 | use Exporter;
13 | use vars qw/@ISA @EXPORT_OK/;
14 | @ISA = qw/Exporter/;
15 | @EXPORT_OK = qw/from_rd to_rd deg dms/;
16 |
17 | sub deg {
18 | my (@in) = @_;
19 | my @out;
20 |
21 | while (my($d, $m, $s) = splice (@in, 0, 3)) {
22 | push @out, $d + ($m||0)/60 + ($s||0)/3600;
23 | }
24 | return @out;
25 | }
26 |
27 | sub dms {
28 | return map {int($_), int($_*60)%60, ($_-int($_*60)/60)*3600} @_;
29 | }
30 |
31 | my %a = (
32 | '01' => 3236.0331637,
33 | 20 => -32.5915821,
34 | '02' => -0.2472814,
35 | 21 => -0.8501341,
36 | '03' => -0.0655238,
37 | 22 => -0.0171137,
38 | 40 => 0.0052771,
39 | 23 => -0.0003859,
40 | 41 => 0.0003314,
41 | '04' => 0.0000371,
42 | 42 => 0.0000143,
43 | 24 => -0.0000090,
44 | );
45 |
46 | my %b = (
47 | 10 => 5261.3028966,
48 | 11 => 105.9780241,
49 | 12 => 2.4576469,
50 | 30 => -0.8192156,
51 | 31 => -0.0560092,
52 | 13 => 0.0560089,
53 | 32 => -0.0025614,
54 | 14 => 0.0012770,
55 | 50 => 0.0002574,
56 | 33 => -0.0000973,
57 | 51 => 0.0000293,
58 | 15 => 0.0000291,
59 | );
60 |
61 | my %c = (
62 | '01' => 190066.98903,
63 | 11 => -11830.85831,
64 | 21 => -114.19754,
65 | '03' => -32.38360,
66 | 31 => -2.34078,
67 | 13 => -0.60639,
68 | 23 => 0.15774,
69 | 41 => -0.04158,
70 | '05' => -0.00661,
71 | );
72 |
73 | my %d = (
74 | 10 => 309020.31810,
75 | '02' => 3638.36193,
76 | 12 => -157.95222,
77 | 20 => 72.97141,
78 | 30 => 59.79734,
79 | 22 => -6.43481,
80 | '04' => 0.09351,
81 | 32 => -0.07379,
82 | 14 => -0.05419,
83 | 40 => -0.03444,
84 | );
85 |
86 | my %bessel = (
87 | a => 6377397.155,
88 | e2 => 6674372e-9,
89 | f_i => 299.1528128,
90 | );
91 |
92 | my %etrs89 = (
93 | a => 6378137,
94 | e2 => 6694380e-9,
95 | f_i => 298.257222101,
96 | );
97 |
98 | # Transformation parameters from Bessel to ETRS89 with respect to
99 | # Amersfoort.
100 |
101 | my %b2e = (
102 | tx => 593.032,
103 | ty => 26,
104 | tz => 478.741,
105 | a => 1.9848e-6,
106 | b => -1.7439e-6,
107 | c => 9.0587e-6,
108 | d => 4.0772e-6,
109 | );
110 |
111 | my %e2b = map {$_ => -$b2e{$_}} keys %b2e;
112 |
113 | my @amersfoort_b = ( 3903_453.148, 368_135.313, 5012_970.306 );
114 | my @amersfoort_e = ( 3904_046.180, 368_161.313, 5013_449.047 );
115 |
116 | sub from_rd {
117 | croak 'Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP::from_rd needs two or three arguments'
118 | if (@_ !=2 && @_ != 3);
119 |
120 | my ($x, $y, $h) = (@_, 0);
121 |
122 | croak "Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP::from_rd: X out of bounds: $x"
123 | if ($x < -7_000 or $x > 300_000);
124 | croak "Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP::from_rd: Y out of bounds: $y"
125 | if ($y < 289_000 or $y > 629_000);
126 |
127 | # Use the approximated transformation.
128 | # Step 1: RD -> Bessel (spherical coords)
129 |
130 | $x = ($x/100_000) - 1.55;
131 | $y = ($y/100_000) - 4.63;
132 |
133 | my $lat = (52*60*60) + (9*60) + 22.178;
134 | my $lon = (5 *60*60) + (23*60) + 15.5;
135 |
136 | foreach my $i (keys %a) {
137 | my ($m, $n) = split //, $i;
138 | $lat += $a{$i} * ($x**$m) * ($y**$n);
139 | }
140 |
141 | foreach my $i (keys %b) {
142 | my ($m, $n) = split //, $i;
143 | $lon += $b{$i} * ($x**$m) * ($y**$n);
144 | }
145 |
146 | # Step 2: spherical coords -> X, Y, Z
147 | my @coords = _ellipsoid_to_cartesian($lat/3600, $lon/3600, $h, \%bessel);
148 |
149 | # Step 3: Bessel -> ETRS89
150 | @coords = _transform_datum( @coords, \%b2e, \@amersfoort_b );
151 |
152 | # Step 4: X, Y, Z -> spherical coords
153 | return _cartesian_to_ellipsoid(@coords, \%etrs89);
154 | }
155 |
156 | sub to_rd {
157 | croak 'Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP::to_rd needs two or three arguments'
158 | if (@_ !=2 && @_ != 3);
159 |
160 | my ($lat, $lon, $h) = (@_, 0);
161 |
162 | # Use the approximated transformation.
163 | # Step 1: spherical coords -> X, Y, Z
164 | my @coords = _ellipsoid_to_cartesian($lat, $lon, $h, \%etrs89);
165 |
166 | # Step 2: ETRS89 -> Bessel
167 | @coords = _transform_datum( @coords, \%e2b, \@amersfoort_e );
168 |
169 | # Step 3: X, Y, Z -> spherical coords
170 | ($lat, $lon, $h) = _cartesian_to_ellipsoid(@coords, \%bessel);
171 |
172 | # Step 4: Bessel -> RD'
173 |
174 | # Convert to units of 10_000 secs; as deltas from Amersfoort.
175 | $lat = ($lat * 3600 - ((52*60*60) + (9*60) + 22.178))/10_000;
176 | $lon = ($lon * 3600 - ((5 *60*60) + (23*60) + 15.5))/10_000;
177 |
178 | my $x = 155e3;
179 | my $y = 463e3;
180 |
181 | foreach my $i (keys %c) {
182 | my ($m, $n) = split //, $i;
183 | $x += $c{$i} * ($lat**$m) * ($lon**$n);
184 | }
185 |
186 | foreach my $i (keys %d) {
187 | my ($m, $n) = split //, $i;
188 | $y += $d{$i} * ($lat**$m) * ($lon**$n);
189 | }
190 |
191 | croak "Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP::to_rd: X out of bounds: $x"
192 | if ($x < -7_000 or $x > 300_000);
193 | croak "Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP::to_rd: Y out of bounds: $y"
194 | if ($y < 289_000 or $y > 629_000);
195 |
196 | return ($x, $y, $h);
197 | }
198 |
199 | sub _to_rads {
200 | return $_[0] * 2*3.14159_26535_89793 /360;
201 | }
202 |
203 | sub _from_rads {
204 | return $_[0] / (2*3.14159_26535_89793) *360;
205 | }
206 |
207 | sub _ellipsoid_to_cartesian {
208 | my ($lat, $lon, $h, $para) = @_;
209 |
210 | my $sinphi = sin(_to_rads($lat));
211 | my $cosphi = cos(_to_rads($lat));
212 | my $n = $para->{a}/sqrt(1 - $para->{e2}*$sinphi*$sinphi);
213 |
214 | return (($n+$h)*$cosphi*cos(_to_rads($lon)),
215 | ($n+$h)*$cosphi*sin(_to_rads($lon)),
216 | ($n*(1-$para->{e2})+$h)*$sinphi );
217 | }
218 |
219 | # Returns (lat, lon, h) in degrees.
220 |
221 | sub _cartesian_to_ellipsoid {
222 | my ($x, $y, $z, $para) = @_;
223 |
224 | my $lon = atan2($y, $x);
225 |
226 | my $r = sqrt($x*$x+$y*$y);
227 | my $phi = 0;
228 | my $n_sinphi = $z;
229 | my $n;
230 | my $oldphi;
231 |
232 | do {
233 | $oldphi = $phi;
234 | $phi = atan2($z + $para->{e2}*$n_sinphi, $r);
235 | my $sinphi = sin($phi);
236 | $n = $para->{a}/sqrt(1-$para->{e2}*$sinphi*$sinphi);
237 | $n_sinphi = $n*$sinphi;
238 | } while (abs($oldphi-$phi) > 1e-8);
239 |
240 | my $h = $r/cos($phi) - $n;
241 |
242 | return (_from_rads($phi), _from_rads($lon), $h);
243 | }
244 |
245 | sub _transform_datum {
246 | my ($x, $y, $z, $t, $centre) = @_;
247 |
248 | return (
249 | $x + $t->{d}*($x-$centre->[0]) + $t->{c}*($y-$centre->[1])
250 | - $t->{b}*($z-$centre->[2]) + $t->{tx},
251 | $y - $t->{c}*($x-$centre->[0]) + $t->{d}*($y-$centre->[1])
252 | + $t->{a}*($z-$centre->[2]) + $t->{ty},
253 | $z + $t->{b}*($x-$centre->[0]) - $t->{a}*($y-$centre->[1])
254 | + $t->{d}*($z-$centre->[2]) + $t->{tz}
255 | );
256 | }
257 |
258 | 1;
259 | __END__
260 |
261 | =head1 NAME
262 |
263 | Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP - convert to/from Dutch RDNAP coordinate system
264 |
265 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
266 |
267 | use Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP qw/from_rd to_rd dd dms/;
268 |
269 | # RD coordinates and height in meters
270 | my ($lat, $lon, $h) = from_rd( 150_000, 480_000, -2.75 );
271 |
272 | printf "%d %d' %.2f\" %d %d' %.2f\"", dms($lat, $lon);
273 |
274 | lat/lon coordinates in degrees; height in meters
275 | my ($x, $y, $h) = to_rd( 52.75, 6.80, 10 );
276 |
277 | # equivalent: to_rd( deg(52,45,0, 6,48,0), 10 );
278 |
279 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
280 |
281 | This module converts between two coordinate systems: RD-NAP and ETRS89.
282 | ETRS89 is a geodesic frame of reference used in Europe, which is
283 | approximately equal to the international reference frame WGS84.
284 | GPS data. Coordinates in ETRS89 are given in degrees (latitude and
285 | longitude) and meters (height above the reference ellipsoid).
286 |
287 | RD-NAP (or "Amersfoort datum") is a Dutch coordinate system, consisting
288 | of the X and Y coordinates of the Rijksdriehoekmeting, used e.g. in
289 | topographical maps, and a Z coordinate which is the height above Normaal
290 | Amsterdams Peil, the mean sea level at Amsterdam. X, Y, and Z are all
291 | expressed in meters (this is a change compared to the previous versions
292 | of this module!)
293 |
294 | These transformations should only be used for locations in or close to
295 | the Netherlands.
296 |
297 | See http://www.rdnap.nl/ for a description of the RD-NAP system;
298 | especially http://www.rdnap.nl/download/rdnaptrans.pdf for the formulas
299 | used in this module.
300 |
301 | =head2 Precision
302 |
303 | This module implements an approximated transformation, which should be
304 | accurate to about 25 cm in X and Y, and about 1 meter in the vertical
305 | direction, for all locations in the Netherlands. The full
306 | transformation, called RDNAPTRANS, is NOT implemented in this module. It
307 | takes into account small deviations, measured at more than 5000 points
308 | in the Netherlands.
309 |
310 | Coordinates in ETRS89 deviate from WGS84 and ITRS because the former is
311 | coupled to the Eurasian plate, which drifts a few cm per year compared
312 | to other plates. The current (2006) difference between these coordinate
313 | systems is in the order of 40 cm.
314 |
315 | =head2 Disclaimer
316 |
317 | Although this module implements conversion to/from the RD-NAP coordinate
318 | system, it is not a product of RDNAP, the cooperation between the
319 | Kadaster and Rijkwaterstaat, which maintains this coordinate system.
320 |
321 | RDNAPTRANS is a trademark, presumably by Kadaster and/or
322 | Rijkswaterstaat. This module is not an implementation of RDNAPTRANS. For
323 | the official transformation software, visit http://www.rdnap.nl.
324 |
325 | =head1 FUNCTIONS
326 |
327 | =over 4
328 |
329 | =item from_rd( $x, $y, $h )
330 |
331 | Converts coordinates in the RD-NAP coordinate system to geographical
332 | coordinates. The input are the X and Y coordinates in the RD system,
333 | given in meters, and optionally the height above NAP in meters.
334 |
335 | This should only be used for points in or close to the Netherlands. For
336 | this area, X should roughly be between 0 and 300_000, and Y between
337 | 300_000 and 650_000.
338 |
339 | The output is a list of three numbers: latitude and longitude in
340 | degrees, according to the ETRS89 coordinate system, and height above the
341 | ETRS89 reference geoid, in meters.
342 |
343 | =item to_rd( $lat, $lon, $h )
344 |
345 | Converts geegraphical coordinates to coordinates in the RD-NAP
346 | coordinate system. The input are the latituse and longitude in degrees,
347 | and optionally the height above the ETRS89 reference geoid in meters.
348 |
349 | This should only be used for points in or close to the Netherlands.
350 |
351 | The output is a list of three numbers: X and Y in the RD system in
352 | meters, and the height above NAP in meters.
353 |
354 | =item deg
355 |
356 | Helper function to convert degrees/minutes/seconds to decimal degrees.
357 | Works only for positive latitude and longitude.
358 |
359 | =item dms
360 |
361 | Helper function to convert decimal degrees to degrees/minutes/seconds.
362 | Works only for positive latitude and longitude. The returned degrees and
363 | minutes are integers; the returned number of seconds can be fractional.
364 |
365 | When rounding the number of seconds, remember that it wraps at 60 (and
366 | so does the number of minutes). One easy way (but perhaps not the
367 | fastest) of taking this into account is the following piece of code:
368 |
369 | ($d, $m, $s) = dms($degrees);
370 | $s = int($s + 0.5);
371 | ($d, $m, $s) = map {sprintf "%.0f"} dms(deg($d, $m, $s));
372 |
373 | =back
374 |
375 | =head1 BUGS
376 |
377 | None known.
378 |
379 | =head1 AUTHOR
380 |
381 | Eugene van der Pijll C<< <pijll@cpan.org> >>
382 |
383 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
384 |
385 | Copyright (c) 2006 Eugene van der Pijll.
386 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
387 | under the same terms as Perl itself.
388 |
389 | The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
390 | with this module.
391 |
392 | =cut