Rick van der Zwet = Properties = [crowd] - face colour [skijump] - green olympics logo, straight line of leaves [snowboarding] - bright colour in the sky [icehockey] - pink floor [speedskating] - blue line with red dots [downhillski] - light blue line, red flags [curling] - circle pattern, green -> white -> blue = LICENSE = - Licenses for pictures is restricted by owner (not me). - License for cximage is by http://www.xdp.it/cximage.htm - Other code: BSDLike - http://rickvanderzwet.nl/LICENSE = Usage = 1. Make sure your folders are organised in the following way - trainingSet//1.jpg ... - trainingSet//50.jpg - testSet//1.jpg ... - testSet//XX.jpg 2. Start aplication and select the folders 3. To-do a regular run - Select 1 - Select 2 - Select 4