| 1 | == Revert to factory default == |
| 2 | Android 8.1 support the features I require and is available for this phone. |
| 3 | |
| 4 | I used the hard way of upgrading the Android 8.1, because I can :-). |
| 5 | |
| 6 | * Find firmware file for correct region at http://samsung-updates.com/device/?id=SM-G390F |
| 7 | * Unpack all files from layered archives using tools {{{unzip}}}, {{{tar}}} and {{{unlz4}}} |
| 8 | * Put device in Download Mode by Powering it while holding down this keys: Power + Volume Down + Home. |
| 9 | * Retrieve PIT or download attached file {{{sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall download-pit --output SM-G390F.pit}}} |
| 10 | * Print PIT to find out which files to flash to which partition {{{heimdall print-pit --file ~/SM-G390F.pit}}} |
| 11 | * Flash {{{sudo heimdall flash --pit ~/SM-G390F.pit --PARAM ./param.bin --BOOT ./boot.img --RECOVERY ./recovery.img --RADIO ./modem.bin --SYSTEM ./system.img --CACHE ./cache.img --USERDATA ./userdata.img}}} |
| 12 | |
| 13 | Note: I have not flashed {{{--CM ./cm.bin --BOOTLOADER ./sboot.bin --HIDDEN ./hidden.img}}} HIDDEN failed to apply properly, CM and BOOTLOADER I could not find out an reliable to flash them without potentially bricking the phone, so I used the 'old' versions. |
| 14 | |
| 15 | |
| 16 | |
| 17 | |
| 18 | == Previous operating system == |
| 19 | I was unable to 'un-Google' and 'un-Samsung' the phone to a level I felt comfortable. Yet rooting provided the only method to make the phone somehow more in control. |
38 | | |
39 | | == Original firmware |
40 | | |
41 | | Can be found at http://samsung-updates.com/device/?id=SM-G390F |
42 | | |
43 | | {{{ |
44 | | 70876 tar tf AP_G390FXXU3BRL1_CL14164118_QB20918105_REV00_user_low_ship_meta.tar.md5 |
45 | | 70877 tar tf BL_G390FXXU3BRL1_CL14164118_QB20918105_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 |
46 | | 70878 tar tf CP_G390FXXU3BRK1_CP11207705_CL14164118_QB20646500_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 |
47 | | 70879 tar tf CSC_DDX_G390FDDX3BRL2_CL14941370_QB20958994_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 |
48 | | 70880 tar tf HOME_CSC_DDX_G390FDDX3BRL2_CL14941370_QB20958994_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 |
49 | | 70881 ls |
50 | | 70882 tar xf *.md5 |
51 | | 70883 tar xf AP_G390FXXU3BRL1_CL14164118_QB20918105_REV00_user_low_ship_meta.tar.md5 |
52 | | 70884 ls |
53 | | 70885 tar xf BL_G390FXXU3BRL1_CL14164118_QB20918105_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 |
54 | | 70886 tar xf CP_G390FXXU3BRK1_CP11207705_CL14164118_QB20646500_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 |
55 | | 70887 tar xf CSC_DDX_G390FDDX3BRL2_CL14941370_QB20958994_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 |
56 | | 70888 tar xf HOME_CSC_DDX_G390FDDX3BRL2_CL14941370_QB20958994_REV00_user_low_ship.tar.md5 |
57 | | 70889 ls |
58 | | 70890 less XCOVER4LTE_EUR_OPEN_HIDDEN200M.pit |
59 | | 70891 ls |
60 | | 70892 vim boot.img.lz4 |
61 | | 70893 ls |
62 | | 70894 heimdall |
63 | | 70895 heimdall print-pit --file ~/SM-G390F.pit |
64 | | 70896 unlz4 |
65 | | 70897 ls |
66 | | 70898 unlz4 boot.img.lz4 |
67 | | 70899 ls |
68 | | 70900 unlz4 *.lz4 |
69 | | 70901 ls |
70 | | 70902 unlz4 cache.img.lz4 |
71 | | 70903 unlz4 cm.bin.lz4 |
72 | | 70904 unlz4 hidden.img.lz4 |
73 | | 70905 unlz4 modem.bin.lz4 |
74 | | 70906 unlz4 param.bin.lz4 |
75 | | 70907 unlz4 recovery.img.lz4 |
76 | | 70908 unlz4 sboot.bin.lz4 |
77 | | 70909 unlz4 system.img.lz4 |
78 | | 70910 unlz4 userdata.img.lz4 |
79 | | 70911 heimdall print-pit --file ~/SM-G390F.pit |
80 | | 70912 history |
81 | | |
82 | | 37029 ./bin/heimdall |
83 | | 37056 cd build/heimdall |
84 | | 37062 ./heimdall-frontend |
85 | | 37067 heimdall-frontend |
86 | | 37071 heimdall --help |
87 | | 37072 heimdall print-pit |
88 | | 37073 heimdall --help |
89 | | 37074 heimdall print-pit --file ~/S7710.pit |
90 | | 37075 heimdall print-pit --file ~/S7710.pit | less |
91 | | 37114 heimdall |
92 | | 37116 heimdall flash --pit ~/S7710.pit --STEboot1 ./STE_boot1.img --STEboot2 ./STE_boot2.img --Modem ./modem.bin --Kernel ./boot.img --Kernel2 ./recovery.img --SYSTEM ./system.img --CACHEFS ./cache.img --HIDDEN ./hidden.img |
93 | | 37117 sudo heimdall flash --pit ~/S7710.pit --STEboot1 ./STE_boot1.img --STEboot2 ./STE_boot2.img --Modem ./modem.bin --Kernel ./boot.img --Kernel2 ./recovery.img --SYSTEM ./system.img --CACHEFS ./cache.img --HIDDEN ./hidden.img |
94 | | 37119 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall flash --pit ~/S7710.pit --STEboot1 ./STE_boot1.img --STEboot2 ./STE_boot2.img --Modem ./modem.bin --Kernel ./boot.img --Kernel2 ./recovery.img --SYSTEM ./system.img --CACHEFS ./cache.img --HIDDEN ./hidden.img |
95 | | 37121 heimdall --print-pit --file ./S7710.pit |
96 | | 37122 heimdall print-pit --file ./S7710.pit |
97 | | 37123 heimdall print-pit --file ./S7710.pit | grep -e 'Partition' -e 'Flash Filename' |
98 | | 37124 heimdall print-pit --file ./S7710.pit | grep -e 'Partition Name' -e 'Flash Filename' |
99 | | 37125 heimdall print-pit --file ./S7710.pit |
100 | | 37126 heimdall print-pit --file ./S7710.pit | grep -e '---' -e 'Partition Name' -e 'Flash Filename' |
101 | | 43779 heimdall |
102 | | 43780 heimdall print-pit |
103 | | 43781 sudo heimdall print-pit |
104 | | 43782 whereis heimdall |
105 | | 43783 sudo -E heimdall print-pit |
106 | | 43784 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall print-pit |
107 | | 43785 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall download-pit |
108 | | 43786 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall download-pit --output SM-G390F.pit |
109 | | 43788 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall print-pit --file ./SM-G390F.pit |
110 | | 43789 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall |
111 | | 43790 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall |
112 | | 43791 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall print-pit --file ./SM-G390F.pit |
113 | | 43792 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall flash --RECOVERY /home/rick/recovery.img --CACHE /home/rick/cache.img |
114 | | 43793 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall flash --pit /home/rick/SM-G390F.pit --RECOVERY /home/rick/recovery.img --CACHE /home/rick/cache.img |
115 | | 43796 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall print-pit |
116 | | 43797 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall flash --RECOVERY /home/rick/recovery.img --CACHE /home/rick/cache.img |
117 | | 43798 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall flash --pit /home/rick/SM-G390F.pit --RECOVERY /home/rick/recovery.img --CACHE /home/rick/cache.img |
118 | | 43802 sudo /usr/local/bin/heimdall flash --pit /home/rick/SM-G390F.pit --RECOVERY /home/rick/recovery.img --CACHE /home/rick/cache.img |
119 | | 43815 heimdall |
120 | | 70848 history | grep heimdall |
121 | | |
122 | | }}}} |