Welcome to my website. This will provide an coarse overview of my activities.
Questions or comments? Please send me an email.
- FreeBSDOnEmbeddedDevice
- FreeBSDCrossBuilding
- FreeBSDAccessPoint
- FreeBSDJail
- FreeBSDPocketMine
Eco Friendly Stuff
- GrondwaterProject
- ZeroEmissionHeating
- DIYPowerWall
- EnergieZuinigeWoning
- ZwerfafvalOpruimen
- FijnstofMeten
- WaterverbruikMeten
- EnergyGrid
- DreamPlug
- KoboTouch
- HTCDesire
- RouterBoard493G
- RouterBoard260GSP
- RTL8188CUS
- TabletM009s
- UbiquitiAircam
- XeroxPhaser6125N
- Samsung226BW
- SamsungGalaxyXcover2
- SamsungGalaxyXcover4
- GoProHero3
- Mendel3DPrinter
- N56VZ
- HumaxIRHD5000c
- RaspberryPiSurveillanceMonitor
- SamsungML1750
- RaspberryPiDataLogger
- HPProLiantMicroServerGen8
- PhillipsAirFryer
- HPScanner
- LogitechT400
- LeynewTC420
- PhillipsAirfryer
- ESP32Hacking
- RepairWerckMannCDM618
- I-Droid01
- CyBot
- IntentieNeutraalCommuniceren
- Hugin
- FFmpeg
- ShellOneLiners
- CompressionSpeedTest
- Bachelor Thesis: Exploratory research on embedding CUDA code into hetrogeneous MP-SOC achitectures programmed with the Daedalus framework. Bachelor's project Wiki
- FreeDocPlugin used for the markup code of various pages over here
- Subversion repositories I host/use
- TipsAndTricks
- BoincProject
- SystemMaintenance Servers I manage (Open Source) projects and/or provide backups for.
- AutonomousSolarSystem
- OpenStreetMap Areas I edit and keep an eye on and supporting software to run.
- BitCoin Mining details for BitCoin mostly
- EmailApplicationServerInJail Sendmail, MySQL,Cyrus SASL Authentication, Cyrus IMAP, Roundcube web-based email client.
- UbuntuDesktopInstall
- BetterCommitMessages
- HouseMonitoring
- PodCasts
- Aquarium
- MeldingRijkswaterstaat
- TestFiles
- LIACSCourses
- LiacsGC2010
- Hacking with Clang and LLVM in SVN repository for aca2010
- Friend Of A Friend Card
- Service Status Overview using Nagios with pnp4nagios plugin.
- One of my servers is helping the project by being an public NTP server.
- I use my spare bandwidth to provide reliable torrent upload bandwidth for the most downloaded FreeBSD, Ubuntu and Fedora torrents, using Transmission Bittorrent Client. Downloadable copies of available images over here.
- VoorPositiviteit
- Rapporten
- Fanfare De Rijntamboers - Penningmeester
I am happy to support, promote and use products and services from the following companies:
- Fairphone the world's most sustainable smartphones.
- EcoTree nurtures sustainable timber forests of trees owned by people like you!
- MUD Jeans doing jeans differently; Circular economy, Fair production and Organic cotton
- Triodos make money work for positive social, environmental and cultural change.
- om | nieuwe energie is het allergroenste energiecollectief van Nederland zonder winstoogmerk.
- Volt staat voor positieve politiek. Zo bouwen wij aan een duurzame en veilige toekomst voor iedereen. In Nederland én in Europa.
Like my stuff?
Do you want to say thank you? Here is how you can do it:
- Contribute to one Open Source projects I am using.
- Use products or services of one of my endorcements.
- Sent me a virtual postcard!
Last modified
6 months ago
Last modified on Oct 1, 2024, 1:27:23 PM
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