Jumping around in bash shell
I jump around a lot in the terminal between different projects and activities. To avoid endless typing I have created aliases which allows me to quickly perform this task.
By adding the following entries to your .bashrc
you will give access to the powerfull tools of jcd
. First and foremost goto a directory you would like to earmark. Type scd <alias-of-choice>
and your entry will be stored. To go back to this directory type jcd <stored-alias>
and you arrived at your destination. Tab completion also works to save typing some more.
function jcd { cd "$(grep "${1:-blank} /" ~/.jcd | cut -d' ' -f 2-)" } function scd { ( grep -v "^${1:-blank} /" ~/.jcd; echo ${1:-blank} `pwd` ) > ~/.jcd.new mv ~/.jcd.new ~/.jcd } function lcd { cat ~/.jcd | sed 's/ /\t = /' } function _listcd { COMPREPLY=() cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" opts=$(awk '{print $1}' ~/.jcd | grep "^$2") COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 } complete -F _listcd jcd complete -F _listcd scd
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